A Professional graphic designer will custom design your brand’s logo. The pictures are examples of Premium logos especially designed for Beauty Professionals. Note: You do not have to be a beauty professional to purchase a customized & unique logo design.
- Only $99 for your custom logo “Standard” text logo
- $199 for custom graphic logo
- Includes up to 2 revisions (within 2 weeks of receiving the completed logo)
- 10 day delivery
- Expedited delivery- receive in 5 days
- PNG & JPG formats
Delivery times are in business days. Please check your email for the next steps.
Your personal Graphic Designer has 10 years of experience with over 500 projects completed! Professional, creative, & innovative logos for your brand.
Email CLB@ChampagneLashBar.com for any questions or to submit further details about your logo design.
This is a digital product. All sales are final on all digital products. For more information visit:
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